Nikhil S. Mande

About me

I am a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool since January 2023.

Until December 2022, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Algorithms and Complexity Group at CWI, hosted by Ronald de Wolf. Before this, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Computer Science at Georgetown University, where I was hosted by Justin Thaler.

Before that, I was a research scholar in the School of Technology and Computer Science at TIFR Mumbai, where Arkadev Chattopadhyay was my advisor. A bio (last updated August 2024) can be found here.


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2018 from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
  • M.Sc. in Applications of Mathematics (with a specialization in Computational Mathematics) in 2013 from Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai
  • B.Math. (Hons.) in 2010 from Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore

    Research interests

    I am broadly interested in the area of computational complexity theory. More specifically, I have an interest in (classical and quantum)(query complexity and communication complexity), analysis of Boolean functions, approximation theory, quantum computing, Boolean circuit complexity, and the connections between them.

    Theses and projects


    All of my papers are available in the public domain: either on arXiv, or on ECCC, or on both. A full list of publications can be found here.

    Teaching and supervision

    Professional service

    Extracurricular activities


    Email: nikhil DOT s DOT mande AT gmail DOT com

    Google Scholar.
    ECCC Fixes, an amazing browser extension by Suhail Sherif that opens ECCC PDF's in browser rather than downloading them, and also handles a bug in the report submission process. Available for Chrome and Firefox. Also check out this wonderful YouTube channel.
    Check this website for an overview of the wonderful theoretical computer science community in Liverpool.
    Interested in theoretical computer science research in Amsterdam? See this website.
    Google scholar links of my mother, my father. Fun fact: All three of us have an Erdős number of 3 (under a liberal definition of Erdős number).